Lenten Lecture
During Lent, Pastor Tim will
be preaching from the Gospel
of John, which begins with
greatest act of love known to
us – God coming to live with
us in the person of Jesus.
During our Lenten Lecture
Series we will explore what
it means to love God and
others as Jesus loved. Is love
“squishy” or is it a strong
caring for others? Does
love take God’s commands
seriously? Join us as we
think about these things
with a wide-ranging team of
speakers and topics.
Feb. 21 Love: The Chief Ethic
Mateen Elass
Feb. 28 Love and the Ordered Life (St. Augustine)
Tim McConnell
Mar. 6 Love and Worship
Junior McGarrahan
Mar. 13 Love and Sex in a Time of Crisis
Dr. Brad Hale, Director, Nicaea Study Center
Mar. 20 Love in the Letters of John
Rev. Dr. Jim Edwards, New Testament Professor
emeritus, Whitworth University