Who We Are

First Pres Compass





The First Pres Compass is our guide to living out discipleship at First Pres. It aligns who we are, what we do, how we do it, and points to where we are going. At the center of everything is our mission: Light + Life for the City. Surrounding this are our seven core values, which shape our culture. The compass also illustrates the movement of discipleship, showing how we grow deeper in faith and invest in others.

At the Center: Our Mission

Light + Life for the City
We exist to see lives transformed in the power of Christ, shaping believers into Christian disciples who proclaim the Light of the Gospel and demonstrate the Life of Jesus to our City, bringing many to saving faith in Christ and the whole world to glorify God.

Surrounding the Compass: Our Core Values

These seven values shape everything we do as a church and guide us toward our mission:

  • Live for God – Worship trains our hearts.
  • Hold Fast – Stay founded on Scripture and centered on Christ.
  • Keep Growing – Learn to grow. When your life changes, give God the credit.
  • Love Like Jesus – Live for others even when it takes sacrifice.
  • Share Good News – Do all it takes to reach those who do not know Christ.
  • Deploy Generosity – Invest who you are and what you have in what God wants to do.
  • Make Beauty – Creativity reflects the goodness of God, our Maker.

The Path of Discipleship: Moving Deeper in Faith

The compass shows a clear movement of discipleship, helping us understand how we grow and invest in others:

  • Community Members – Every journey starts with an invitation. Everyone is welcome to explore faith and find connection.
  • Participants – Those who begin engaging in worship, serving, and relationships begin to feel at home.
  • Worshippers – Encountering God transforms our hearts and deepens our commitment to following Jesus.
  • Disciples – Following Jesus in every area of life brings spiritual depth, growth, and renewal.
  • Disciple Makers – The goal of discipleship is multiplication—investing in others and sharing our faith to help others grow in Christ.

A Church That Moves Forward in Mission

The First Pres Compass is more than a diagram—it’s a call to action. It helps us understand where we are in our faith journey and how we can take our next step. Whether you are new to faith or are seasoned in your walk, we all need to grow deeper your discipleship and learn to mentor others as we are all moving toward Christ together.
This is how we become Light and Life for the City.

Light + Life for the City

Our Mission

Reflect the love of Jesus to Be Light + Life for the City.

Join Us This Sunday

The First Pres Way: 7 Values In Our Pursuit Of Jesus

Worship trains our hearts to beat for God.

Do you worship with passion and joy every week?

Stay founded on Scripture and centered on Christ, who holds you steady.

Are your priorities consistent with Scripture?

Learn to grow, and when your life changes give God the credit.

Are you learning and living faith with others?

Live for others, even when it takes sacrifice.

Where are you serving?

Do all it takes to reach those who do not know Christ.

Are you invested in someone else knowing Jesus?

Invest who you are and what you have in what God wants to do.

Where are you giving?

Creativity reflects the goodness of God our Maker.

Where do your spiritual gifts do good?

Discover First Pres

Are you ready to take your next step? Join us November 10, to find your place at First Pres. We will meet in room 217 from 10-11:30 am.


Ready to Put Roots Down?

We're excited that you feel ready to put down roots in our community of faith. Membership is the place where you can explore your personal faith in Christ and how that intersects with what God is doing at First Pres.

Explore Membership