First Pres will be on a two-hour delay February 12th, opening at 10 a.m.

Wednesday Nights at First Pres

Wednesdays at First Pres

No matter where you are on your faith journey, we have something for you on Wednesday evenings at First Pres. We call them Growing Together Wednesdays, or GTW, because we want you to grow in discipleship. We have offerings for kids and students to make friends and learn also. Stop by between 5 and 6 p.m. for fellowship time with beverages and cookies!

Register For GTW Register for GTW Kids

Daytime Discipleship Opportunities

Wednesdays, January 15 – February 26

1:00 – 5 p.m.

If you are not able to join us on Wednesday evenings, these classes are offered during daytime hours.

Care for the Caregiver

Rev. Rochelle Bruhn

1:00 – 3 p.m.

If you are caring for a loved one with an extended illness or with a medical condition that requires on-going care, please join us. Together we will lean into our faith and our Scriptures as we encourage and support one another in the work to which God has called us. Together we can grow stronger in this challenging season of our lives. (Thessalonians 5:11). Because caring for an ailing loved one demands flexibility, attend when you can and leave when necessary. The door is open.

Register Now!


Pastor Junior McGarrahan

3:30 – 5 p.m.

Where is God when we grumble? Where is God when we think He doesn’t know what He is doing? Where is God in the wilderness of our lives? In this brief look at the book of Numbers we will see how God is with us in all those situations and more. Join us as we reflect on stories of rebellion and hope from the book you seldom read. We will see the truth of 2 Timothy 2:13, “Though we are faithless, he remains faithful…”

Register Now!

Healing Past Traumas that Affect Relationships with Self, Others and God

Christie Lee

3:30 – 5 p.m.

Traumas and day-to-day stressors can create survival patterns that inhibit healthy relationships with self, others and God. Goals of this workshop include discovering how to identify the traumas that led to patterns that have interfered with healthy relationships, learning new ways to break free of the old, outdated patterns.

Register Now!

God is in Charge!

Pastor Pat Hartsock

3:30 – 5 p.m.

Life is busy and full, but let’s tap into the Biblical Truth that our God never changes. He is immutable. It’s a wonderful completely descriptive word of His unchangeable being. These truths are indeed relevant, applicable, powerful, and transformative in our everyday lives.
Join this dynamic study and deepen your understanding of how consistently, powerfully, and purposefully God’s immutability applies to our everyday personal lives as Christians.

Register Now!

Learning to Pray as Jesus Prayed: A Look at the Psalms as a Guide on How to Pray

Jeff McCrory

3:30 – 5 p.m.

The shape of the Psalms is the Holy Spirit’s guide to shape human life. Jesus shaped His life based upon the Psalms. God shapes us as we pray Psalms. This class will help you to pray from understanding the shape and intention of the Book of Psalms.

Register Now!

Evening Classes

Wednesdays, January 15 – February 26

6:15 – 7:45 p.m.

The Marriage Course

Pastor Greg Hartnett

Whether you’ve been married six months or 40 years, whether you’re in a good place or struggling, The Marriage Course offers practical support to strengthen your relationship. The course helps couples to:

  • Communicate more effectively
  • Understand each other’s needs
  • Resolve conflict
  • Recognize how upbringing affects your relationship
  • Develop greater sexual intimacy
  • And much, much more...

Cost is $30 per couple.

Register Now!

Turning Points

Brad Hale

This course will explore some key turning points in church history. We will not only consider what happened, why it happened, and the implications, but we will also think about how this history can help us to deepen our walk with Christ and form us as Christians.

Register Now!


Pastor Junior McGarrahan

Where is God when we grumble? Where is God when we think He doesn’t know what He is doing? Where is God in the wilderness of our lives? In this brief look at the book of Numbers we will see how God is with us in all those situations and more. Join us as we refl ect on stories of rebellion and hope from the book you seldom read. We will see the truth of 2 Timothy 2:13, “Though we are faithless, he remains faithful…”

Register Now!

Empowering Independence: Helping Your Child(ren) Build Strong Executive Functioning Skills

Meg Bunka and Alyssa Dillard

Join executive function coaches for some practical tools to equip you to raise kids who require less nagging and instruction to accomplish daily tasks. The class will cover topics such as organization, emotional regulation, teaching techniques for chores, homework time, routines, item tracking and working memory.

Begins February 5

Register Now!

Miracles of Jesus

Suzanne Gradin

A Women's Study

Miracles of Jesus explores all four Gospels with teaching from Jennie Allen, Bianca Juárez Olthoff, Jada Edwards, and Sadie Robertson. Discover the ways Jesus healed, provided for, calmed, and resurrected the people he encountered. This seven-session study is about believing in the power of God who can accomplish anything. There’s nothing too big or too small for us to bring to him.
When we take time to learn about the overflowing kindness Jesus demonstrated to all kinds of people through miracles during his time on earth, we realize that he is radically generous, compassionate, and honoring toward all people. As you watch teaching from the places in Israel where Jesus performed miracles and dig into God’s Word, you will end the study in awe of the Messiah who relentlessly seeks, saves, and restores us.

Register Now!

GTW Kids & Youth

Wednesdays, January 15 – February 26

We have Wednesday activities and opportunities for your kids as well!

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6 to 8:15 p.m.

Infants through kindergarteners enjoy our fun and safe Nursery rooms with loving caregivers.
No registration needed.

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GTW Kids

6:15 to 8 p.m. 3rd floor Gym

1st through 5th graders to focus on deepening their faith and relationship with God in a small group and discipleship-focused program.

Register Now!
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Youth Group

6 - 8 p.m.

6th-12th graders meet at the Weber Street Center for At the Table, an intentional time where the youth gather for dinner, fellowship, and Bible study.
No registration needed.

Lenten Lecture Series: Turn Again

Wednesdays, March 12 – April 9

6:15 – 7:45 p.m.

Worship Center

This lent (the season leading up to Easter) we parallel our sermon series, Turn Again, with a series of four all church lectures that explore the theology of conversion and culminate in a night of testimony in hearing what conversions in our midst look like today. God is seeking and saving the lost; come and be formed through this explorative experience of how dead hearts come alive in Jesus.

Lecture 1: March 12


Speaker: Tim McConnell

How do people come to Jesus? Not everyone has a spectacular experience like the Apostle Paul. Sometimes a first understanding of Jesus is as a Good Shepherd who finds the lost sheep. Others see Jesus as the one who lifted them out of a dark place. Jesus may come to others who are bored with life and find new life in Him. And some may have known Jesus their whole lives and have successive conversions as they learn more of Him. Scripture describes the ways in which people come to Jesus and the way we all end up together at the foot of the cross.

Lecture 2: March 19


Speaker: Mateen Elass

One scholar has said that the gospel was “gossiped around the Mediterranean” as people shared their experiences with Jesus as they went about their daily business. How can we “gossip the gospel?” How are our various relationships occasions for spiritual conversations? How can we bring the sacred, that which matters most, into everyday conversations?

Lecture 3: April 2


Speaker: Jim Edwards

Jesus role-modeled sharing the kingdom of God with others and inviting them to receive that kingdom. What do we learn from witnessing Jesus interact with others? What do the stories of Jesus’ converts show us about turning to Jesus today? How do their stories then effect our stories now?

Lecture 4: April 9


Host: Michael Thornton

Join us for a night of testimony. Several testimonies from our own congregation will be shared live in person. Several testimonies from recent generations of believers will be shared. Come ready to be encouraged, leave inspired to Share Good News

First Pres Membership Class

Wednesdays, February 12, 19, & 26

6:15 – 7:45 p.m.

Do you feel ready to put down roots in our community of faith? Membership is the place to go to explore your personal faith in Christ and how that intersects with what God is doing at First Pres. It also provides us with an opportunity to get to know you and your faith story.

Register Now!

Try Alpha

Honest Conversations About Life, Faith, and Jesus

Explore the Christian faith and your own spirituality at Alpha. It's a chance to explore and question the meaning of life. To discuss the big stuff with time to say what you think while sharing a meal with others. It's fun, relaxed and free. The next Alpha class begins on January 29 - April 9, from 6-8 pm in Room 431. Registration is open now.


Sanctuary Choir

6:15 – 8 p.m., every Wednesday in the Adult Choir Room

The Sanctuary Choir welcomes all who love to sing and praise God through worship. We enjoy singing a wide variety of music, not only for weekly worship services, but also for concert settings during the special seasons of the year. Led by our Sanctuary Worship Lead, Chris Owenby, this community of all ages enthusiastically prepares music and leads worship while gaining a depth of understanding of Scripture through music.

Brass Ensemble

4:30 – 5:30 p.m., every Wednesday

The First Pres Brass Ensemble is open to experienced adult and advanced high school brass players. This group performs in worship and seasonal activities September through May. Contact Steve Hock at 719-488-9791 or for further information.

Kids Choir

We’re excited to announce the launch of a new Kid’s Choir at First Pres, starting February 19, 2025. Rehearsing each Wednesday from 5:00-6:00 PM, students will explore classic and modern worship styles. This choir will encourage 1st-5th graders in their musical development while growing in faith together. Our major events for the year include singing in worship on Palm Sunday, April 13, and a special Christmas offering. We’re also exploring some other exciting musical opportunities to inspire and engage our young singers. We can’t wait to see what God has in store for this new addition to our Kid’s and Worship ministries!

Register For Kids Choir

Recommended RightNow Media Studies

Own your faith by leading yourself and those close to you through a RightNow Media study. As an active participant of the First Pres community, you have full access to RightNow Media, an online and on-demand library of Bible studies and videos for kids, students, parents, married couples and more. This service is offered for free to our congregation. To register for RightNow Media, send your email address to Ina Meyer at or call Ina at 719-884-6117.

Contact Ina

2024 Lecture Series Audio

Martin Luther

Pastor Tim McConnell

October 16

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Pastor Jim Edwards

October 23

C. S. Lewis

Brad Hale

October 30

Amy Carmichael

Pastor Junior McGarrahan

November 6