This lent (the season leading up to Easter) we parallel our sermon series, Turn Again, with a series of four all church lectures that explore the theology of conversion and culminate in a night of testimony in hearing what conversions in our midst look like today. God is seeking and saving the lost; come and be formed through this explorative experience of how dead hearts come alive in Jesus.
How do people come to Jesus? Not everyone has a spectacular experience like the Apostle Paul. Sometimes a first understanding of Jesus is as a Good Shepherd who finds the lost sheep. Others see Jesus as the one who lifted them out of a dark place. Jesus may come to others who are bored with life and find new life in Him. And some may have known Jesus their whole lives and have successive conversions as they learn more of Him. Scripture describes the ways in which people come to Jesus and the way we all end up together at the foot of the cross.
One scholar has said that the gospel was “gossiped around the Mediterranean” as people shared their experiences with Jesus as they went about their daily business. How can we “gossip the gospel?” How are our various relationships occasions for spiritual conversations? How can we bring the sacred, that which matters most, into everyday conversations?
Jesus role-modeled sharing the kingdom of God with others and inviting them to receive that kingdom. What do we learn from witnessing Jesus interact with others? What do the stories of Jesus’ converts show us about turning to Jesus today? How do their stories then effect our stories now?
Join us for a night of testimony. Several testimonies from our own congregation will be shared live in person. Several testimonies from recent generations of believers will be shared. Come ready to be encouraged, leave inspired to Share Good News
Infants through kindergarteners enjoy our fun and safe Nursery rooms with loving caregivers.No registration needed.
1st through 5th graders to focus on deepening their faith and relationship with God in a small group and discipleship-focused program.
6th-12th graders meet at the Weber Street Center for At the Table, an intentional time where the youth gather for dinner, fellowship, and Bible study. No registration needed.
The Sanctuary Choir welcomes all who love to sing and praise God through worship. We enjoy singing a wide variety of music, not only for weekly worship services, but also for concert settings during the special seasons of the year. Led by our Sanctuary Worship Lead, Chris Owenby, this community of all ages enthusiastically prepares music and leads worship while gaining a depth of understanding of Scripture through music.
The First Pres Brass Ensemble is open to experienced adult and advanced high school brass players. This group performs in worship and seasonal activities September through May. Contact Steve Hock at 719-488-9791 or for further information.
We’re excited to announce the launch of a new Kid’s Choir at First Pres, starting February 19, 2025. Rehearsing each Wednesday from 5:00-6:00 PM, students will explore classic and modern worship styles. This choir will encourage 1st-5th graders in their musical development while growing in faith together. Our major events for the year include singing in worship on Palm Sunday, April 13, and a special Christmas offering. We’re also exploring some other exciting musical opportunities to inspire and engage our young singers. We can’t wait to see what God has in store for this new addition to our Kid’s and Worship ministries!
Own your faith by leading yourself and those close to you through a RightNow Media study. As an active participant of the First Pres community, you have full access to RightNow Media, an online and on-demand library of Bible studies and videos for kids, students, parents, married couples and more. This service is offered for free to our congregation. To register for RightNow Media, send your email address to Ina Meyer at or call Ina at 719-884-6117.
Discipleship Pastor
Discipleship Ministries Manager