First Pres will be on a two-hour delay February 12th, opening at 10 a.m.

College + Young Adults

Young Adults

A Call to Something Bigger

First Pres Young Adults is a vibrant community that cares for one another, seeks to know and follow God, and shares joy with others. We believe in a greater purpose and invite you to join us as we discover God’s mission throughout the city. Our goal is to be a beacon of Light + Life for the community. 

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Young Life College

First Pres College is a ministry partnered with Young Life College designed to connect local college students to a community who laughs a lot, asks questions about faith and pursues Jesus in authentic ways. Young Life College meets Tuesday evenings at UCCS. Join other college-aged people from UCCS, CC, PPCC, USAFA, and more to be in God's presence, hear an inspiring and relevant message alongside great community. 

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Base Camp

Sunday Community

If you’re new, this is your first step into the vibrant College + Young Adult community at First Pres! Every Sunday, we gather for Base Camp, a time to discuss Scripture and explore various topics together. It’s a fantastic launching point for building connections and friendships. Join us in room 431 from 10-11 a.m. 


Events + Gatherings

Throughout the year, the College + Young Adults group gathers for lots of fun events. The best way to learn more about these gatherings, service events and other fun outings is to join the group text for details. Contact Greg Hartnett to get added to the list.

Contact Greg

First Pres

Fellows Colorado Springs

The Fellows Initiative is a nine-month program for recent college graduates focused on professional and leadership development. Each year, 10-12 men and women from diverse professions and backgrounds encourage and support one another as they explore who they are in Christ Jesus and their unique roles within God’s mission of redemption and restoration in this world.

Learn More