Vision Sunday September 8 - Service times 8:30 am and 10 am only! Followed by a Church Wide BBQ at Weber Street Center at 10:30 am.

Brandin Stroy

Brandin Stroy

Worship Tech Director

Work: (719) 884-6124

Brandin serves as Worship Tech Director here at First Presbyterian Church Colorado Springs. Fusing his faith with a keen expertise in technology and music, he helps orchestrate seamless audio-visual experiences for worship services. His talents don't just lie within the sanctuary or worship center; Brandin is also the creative force behind Talon Guitars, a side venture where he crafts custom-made 4, 5, and 6-string basses, as well as electric guitars. Whether he's harmonizing tech elements for an uplifting Sunday service or sculpting the perfect guitar neck in his workshop, Brandin's end goal is always the same: to enrich lives through his diverse skill set.