Vision Sunday September 8 - Service times 8:30 am and 10 am only! Followed by a Church Wide BBQ at Weber Street Center at 10:30 am.

Give Back the Blessing 2024

Each year, on Palm Sunday, we take up an offering called Give Back the Blessing. Together, we can truly alter the state of the city and change hundreds of lives for the better in the name of Christ. Each year we ask, how can we give back the blessings of God to our city? This year, the answer is food insecurity. Have you heard of food deserts? There are areas where it is so hard to find healthy food, life expectancy declines. We can help. 

We can make this difference together!  Bring your contribution to worship on Palm Sunday, March 24. You may also give online below. Just select “Give Back the Blessing” as you make your gift. What is God calling you to give this year? Let’s fill some mouths and bellies! And let the love of Jesus be felt by those in need. 


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Solid Rock Community Development Corporation

Solid Rock Community Development Corporation is a long-trusted partner in Southeast Colorado Springs. They are partnering with YWAM Emerge (Youth With A Mission’s mercy ministry) to build an Aquaponic Farm to produce healthy produce year round! An Aquaponic Farm uses tilapia fish and water instead of soil to grow fresh vegetables in a greenhouse. Often built in arid, rural communities for global missions, the technology was developed here in Black Forest. School District 2, YWAM, the City of Colorado Springs and a few other organizations are all lined up to make this happen at a total cost of $160,000. We seek to raise $60,000 to push this project across the finish line. 

Sierra High School Food Pantry.

Sierra High School Food Pantry. COSILoveYou has a ministry called COS I Love Schools. They have helped us partner up with Sierra High School and the leadership there has expressed concerns about food insecurity. We are going to raise volunteers on Spring CityServe (May 3 and 4) to clear out an unused space and create a food pantry to offer non-perishable foods twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. $20,000 will get it done. 

The Sudanese Displaced Children's Learning Center

Our friends in Egypt have begun an effort to reach out to Sudanese refugees in Cairo. The Sudanese Displaced Children's Learning Center (SDCLC) serves over 300 students from kindergarten through secondary school, with 26 teachers, as a Christian educational ministry. Food insecurity is a very real threat. Daily breakfasts are offered freely. We want to kickstart this ministry by defraying the cost of daily breakfast for the coming year. $30,000 is our goal.