Life Groups

Find your circle. Your people. Your community.

Whatever season of life that you're in, there's a place for you to keep growing in your faith and develop a caring and supportive network of friends that make First Pres feel like home. Find a community where people know your name, where you can pray meaningfully for one another, and where you trust one another enough to speak Scripture into each other's lives. It's a community where we try to live life together in Jesus' way.

Step 1: Try Rooted Groups

Rooted is the first step for those interested in connecting into Life Groups at First Pres. Rooted is a 10-week experience of Christian community. Rooted is marked by daily devotions and weekly gatherings including prayer, service and testimony as we walk out biblical community. At the end of the Rooted Experience, groups have the opportunity to form into Life Groups. First Pres offers Rooted Group launches in September and in January during GTW-Wednesday Nights at First Pres. If you are interested in starting a group at another time, please click on the Connect In Groups button and fill out the form. We will then be in touch to help you get started.

Connect In Groups

Open Life Groups

Women's Groups

Debbie Andersen

Meets: 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.

Location: Rockrimmon

Description: We are a small group of women in the Rockrimmon, Pinecliff and the Pinion Valley area. Our ages vary, but we are all 50+. We are studying "Praying the Scriptures for Your Life" a wonderful way to Abide in the Presence, Provision and Power of God. We go very slowly. We visit and catch up on our lives. Coffee, tea are provided and some small snacks. We then study and converse and end with prayer needs and closing prayer.

Rochelle Bruhn

Meets: Thursdays, 3 p.m.

Location: near Templeton Gap

Description: Our Life Group is a delightful mix of mostly retired women. The basis of our discussion is the weekly sermon and the Growth Guide provided by the church.

Ardelle Koperski

Meets: Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m.

Location: in 80917, 80918

Leigh Saulsbury

Meets: once a month on Thursdays, 6:30 p.m.

Location: Skyway

Mixed Groups

Carolyn DeKok

Meets: Sundays, 9:45 a.m.

Location: in room 219

Description: Our Life Group is comprised of couples and singles who wish to go deeper after hearing the weekly sermon. We use the Sermon Growth Guide and delve into questions and applications that arise from the discussion. The “leader” responsibilities rotate among the members. We share prayer requests and support one another.

Al and Cindy Hanna

Meets: Varies

Location: Varies

Julie Johnson

Meets: 2nd and 4th Saturday, 5:30 p.m.

Location: Cheyenne Rd

Description: We have an intergenerational group that is welcoming to singles and married of all ages. We are individuals of diverse backgrounds and views on life wanting to follow God and support each other in life’s challenges. Our small group offers a chance to know each other better and develop close relationships. We have an early potluck and fellowship starting at 5:30 on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays, followed by a discussion of a book, a Bible chapter, or the latest sermon. We close our sessions with prayer. Children are welcome!

Larry and Ardelle Koperski

Meets: Tuesdays, 7 p.m.

Location: in Village 7 and Security/Widefield

Description: We use the weekly sermon growth guide to help us in our discussion. Our time opens with prayer and scripture before we begin our study. Our ages range from late 60s to late 70s. We alternate meeting at homes in the Village 7 neighborhood and in Security/Widefield.

Deb Menza

Meets: Every Other Sunday, 11 a.m.

Location: 202

Description: Our Life Group uses many avenues in which to grow our faith. We use the First Pres weekly sermon guide, various cultural or local topics and how we can apply our Christianity within our community, as well as any current family or personal issues which would help us grow in our love for each other. We meet twice monthly and share a meal once a month. We have a variety of ages as well as singles and married couples. All our collective children are grown and out of the nest!

Men's Groups

Joe Dionisio

Meets: Thursdays, 6:30 p.m.

Location: First Pres

Description: Our group uses the First Pres weekly Sermon Growth Guide which includes the sermon text and thought provoking questions. At times we take a break from the sermon series and study a book from the New Testament. We recently completed a study of Paul by Charles Swindoll. We break for the summer and resume in September.

Ralph Gates

Meets: Thursdays, 6:30 a.m.

Location: Briargate

Description: Our group typically focuses on a particular book of the Bible and we share leading each week. Participation by each person in the group is encouraged and a group prayer time typically closes our study together.

Pat Hartsock

Meets: Tuesdays, 6:30 a.m.

Location: First Pres

Larry Miller

Meets: Saturdays, 7:30 a.m.

Location: YMCA downtown

If you find a Life Group you want to know more about, please contact Ina Meyer at 719.884.6117 or We will be glad to connect you to the Life Group leader.  

Lead a Group

If you call First Pres home, you could make a difference in discipleship and growing others to be more like Jesus. Just let us know what kind of group you want to lead by completing this form and we’ll get you set up.

Life Group Leader Interest Form