Worship with us at Acacia Park, October 6 at 11 a.m. No 9 a.m. service in the Worship Center!

Heather Zimmerman

Heather Zimmerman

MomCo Coordinator

Work: (719) 884-6100


Heather has been a member of First Presbyterian Church since 2008. She and her husband Aaron moved to Colorado Springs in 2002 right after they were married. Heather earned her Bachelor's degree in Education from Oklahoma State University. She taught 6th, 7th, & 8th grade in Widefield School District #3, where she ran the science fair for several years, worked on math and technology teams and even took a 6th grade Odyssey of the Mind team to nationals in Washington D.C. Heather has always felt a desire to be a stay at home mom and was able to fulfill that after their daughter was born. She was invited to join MOPS in 2011 and quickly fell in love with the program and its purpose. When her son was headed to kindergarten, she was asked by a friend to help start a MOMSnext group for mothers of school aged kids and has been running that since 2018. Heather has been involved with various church activities, and currently is serving as the 7th grade girls youth group leader. Heather has a passion for creating caring, supportive communities, especially for moms. She is now the MOPS Coordinator for First Pres. MOPS will soon be known as MOMCo at First Pres, which will represent and serve all mom communities.