Turn Again
Washed - Ellen Dawson
Mar. 23
The story of Naaman the Leper is a story of conversion. When you come to Christ, you feel that your old life has been washed away (in baptism) and you have been made entirely new. It is not unlike the picture of Naaman dipping in the water seven times and coming up fresh and new. (cf. Isaiah 1:16; Acts 8:26-38 and the Ethiopian Eunuch.) There is a true change to a life made new in Christ. We, like Naaman, think we must need to do some large and significant ceremony, pass through some magnificent rite of passage. Sometimes it is the simplest and humblest of activities, going to church with a friend, attending the dinner, accepting the invite, and then opening your heart to believe the message of Jesus. Simple, but this is how a life is converted.
Growth Guide