First Pres will be on a two-hour delay February 12th, opening at 10 a.m.


Make Much of God - Tim McConnell

Apr. 30

It wasn’t a problem of making too much of God; it was a problem of being too familiar with God. When I was a child, God seemed very distant and frightening. I was relieved by Jesus’ teaching to pray to God as Abba, Father. I was relieved to see how Jesus wants to call us friends (John 15:15) and wants to walk intimately with us. But have we lost something of the reverence? Not a distant fear of an unknown God, but an honor and reverence for God as God is—all powerful, almighty, above us in every way. Lift Him higher. Worship the Lord as He demands to be worshiped.
Listen Growth Guide Bulletin

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Make Much of God - Tim McConnell
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