First Pres will be on a two-hour delay on January 30th, opening at 10 a.m. Preschools are cancelled along with early morning activities.


Redeemed From the Enemy Camp - Tim McConnell

Mar. 13

When we were enemies of God, God sent Jesus to buy us back from the enemy camp. We made ourselves God’s enemies by disobeying His Kingdom rules. We were in active rebellion against God, and still are every time we choose our own will over His ways. Jesus paid the price for our rebellion so that He could snatch us out of the enemy camp and get us back home to God. The first way Jesus did this is through the incarnation (Philippians 2). He came where we are and made himself one with us, even while we were camping out with the enemy. When I try to make myself God’s friend, I only make it worse. I have to let Jesus take my place as God’s enemy, take the punishment and pay the price, and then let Him restore me to God as God’s friend. Jesus takes the place of exile so I can be restored to citizenship. I can’t redeem myself; I have to be Redeemed.
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Redeemed From Slavery to Sin - Matt Holtzman
Redeemed From the Enemy Camp - Tim McConnell
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Ash Wednesday - Jamal Sarikoki