First Pres will be on a two-hour delay on January 30th, opening at 10 a.m. Preschools are cancelled along with early morning activities.


Redeemed From the Great Lie - Tim McConnell

Mar. 27

The great lie is that running my life according to what my flesh desires will bring me an abundance of happy life. (Cf. Romans 8:5-15) Sin is at work in the world and in me. The promise of sin is amplified by the world, the flesh (my disobedient patterns), and the Devil. Satan is an active force of confusion and deception in my life. Does Satan have a claim on me? No. Jesus has purchased my soul for himself. But I can give Satan access and influence in my life by believing his lies and acting on them. This brings me great pain and deep confusion. Jesus paid the price to deliver me from the dominion of the Devil. When I try to find my way out of my confused state, I only make it worse. I have to let Jesus deliver me (verse 25) and be Redeemed.
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Good Friday - Tim McConnell
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Maundy Thursday -
Redeemed From Evil - Tim McConnell
Redeemed From Injustice - Tim McConnell
Redeemed From the Great Lie - Tim McConnell
Redeemed From Slavery to Sin - Matt Holtzman
Redeemed From the Enemy Camp - Tim McConnell
Redeemed From Saving Ourselves - Tim McConnell
Ash Wednesday - Jamal Sarikoki